  We Transform new challenges into possibilities with sustainable ideas ....................More
Who We Are
Our Approach and Methods
Our Goal
Who We Are
India has the 2nd largest urban system in the world. 285 million live in 4378 cities and towns. In the next 30 years, another 400 million will migrate to these cities. And by 2030, India's urban population is estimated to reach a staggering 575 million. LGNet can support.
Individuals having experience in management of Cities formed Local Governance Network (LGNet) to address the changing needs in Governance. Based in Bhubaneswar, the LGNet is a strategic non-profit initiatives formed to bring together Local Government, Corporate, Academics, Civil Society, Individuals and Global Governance for sustainable development.
In fulfilling this role we target our efforts on the issues that matter most to Cities, working with and on behalf of our partners to deliver common vision of Sustainability, where local priorities drive public service and every councillor acts as a champion for their ward and people they represent

We work as part of the wider LGNet to assist our partners to:

  Shape public governance & dialogue
  • influence policy and practice in public services
  Support innovation and excellence that enables in meeting future challenges
  Help peoples representatives exercise their democratic accountability and leadership effectively
  ensure that the sector attracts, retains and develops staff with the skills it needs
LG Net
    • a unique network with a wide range of urban stakeholders for Leadership building
    • achieving tangible sustainable urban development backed by Knowledge, Innovation, Sustainability, Leadership.
  thrusts on global response to Climate Change, Disaster Risk Reduction, Poverty, Mobility and Sustainability
  branding Indian cities at the national & international level on areas of Heritage, Culture, Economy and Governance
    • making corporate social responsibility work with Cities management.
    • knowledge network promoting democratic values of good local governance
Why Local Government, Corporate, University, Civil Society, Global Governance and Individuals should work Together?
  • Opens up window for learning & sharing best practices i.e. what works & what don’t
  • Makes voice heard at the appropriate forums
  • Build strategy of reaching the unreached
  • Debating new thoughts in managing cities with others
  • Be the first to acquire latest knowledge through technical cooperation
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